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These people are called equestrians.

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Q: What is the names of the people that ride horses in the Olympics?
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Related questions

What are names off people in films that ride horses?


Do people ride horses for there country?

Yes people do ride horses for their country in some competitions.

How did horses get to the Olympics?

the horses got into the Olympics because its kinda a type of sport so they put them in there also the rest of the sports were in there swimming and foot ball boxing so riding horses takes skill and time too ride

Why do people want to horse ride?

people want to ride horses because its fun

What animals do Egyptian people ride in Egypt?

they can ride cammel and horses

What did people ride before the bicycle?


Why do people rid horses?

Today, people in America ride horses mostly for pleasure.

People ride horses in what olympic event?

Equestrian == ==

When did riding horses instead of cars stop?

People still ride horses today.

Are horses still popular today?

Horses are an expensive hobby for some people today. Horse racing is still a popular spectator sport, mostly due to betting on the races. There are also people who raise horses for show and parades, people who train and ride rodeo horses and people who keep horses and ride for recreation.

Do people drive cars in Nebraska or do they ride horses?

They do both.

What are people who ride on horses?

horse rider, horseman, horsewoman