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We all know the Imperial Palace was for the emperor to live in during Ming and Qing dynasty. In 1924 when the last emperor Puyi with his family were driven out of the imperial palace, and then in 1925 the palace converted into the Palace museum (故宫. Now the imperial palace is called palace museum(故宫),and also called purple Forbiddon city"(紫禁城). In the feudal society, The imperial palace was not so easy to enter for the commen people, so it was called Forbiddon city, The word 'purple' comes form ancient Chinese astronomer's believe:There are three constellationes in the univers, the purple star in the center was also called purple palace for the God of heaven to live in. Since the emperor on the earth believed that he was the son of the god of heaven, and his palace was the center of whole univers, so he called his palace "Purple Forbiddon City"(紫禁城).

The Beijing Summer Palace (頤和園, Yiheyuan) is an immense park containing some newish Qing architecture. [Thought of and constructed under the command of Emperor Qianlong]. Qianlong burned down a building because he thought it unsuitable for the surroundings, so he decided to rebuild it into a different structure as a part of what's now called 頤和園. The original palace was used as a summer residence, an escape from the ferocious heat. It is consisting of Longevity Hill (長壽山) (59 meters high), Kunming Lake (Kunminghu, 昆明湖) and complex buildings with an area of 290 hectares.

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Q: What is the name of the former home of Chinese Emperors in Beijing?
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