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In every business structure there has to be leaders and people who follow. If a business is to run smoothly especially in the field of Manufacturing then things have to be planned out so that the products that your company needs, only arrive when they are needed. That way your company doesn't spend money to have stock sitting on shelves creating over-head. Over-head means big dollars to a company if the product isn't shipped in a week or so from the time whatever orders arrived and were stocked. Money was paid out for these various products and until they are assembled and shipped, no money comes in for your company adding to costs of running the company. Most companies have speical people in place to motivate people, but when these people aren't in place, especially in the Manufacturing sector, sometimes a company will offer incentives to their employee's so that they are more motivated and last but not least. If there is a member of any team who either seems out of place or not interested, perhaps one of two things is happening. Either they aren't interested in which at that time you might want to start looking for someone who is interested or secondly. Perhaps that person or persons need more education and if these people perform well in their other functions then perhaps some school of good thought might be brought into place, and these people sent to the kind of school that can help them understand what it is that you and your company need from them.

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Q: What is the importance of supervision to plan support of workers on a team and how would you ensure individuals are motivated and developed to the best of their potential?
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