Behind Yankee Stadium, Fenway Park, and Wrigley Field, I believe it is Dodger Stadium. I have looked up this question before and have found different answers but majority answered it as Dodger Stadium.
Boston the Yankees have a brand new stadium
Fenway Park
Wrigley Field is the second oldest Major League baseball park in use today. It opened in 1914. Fenway Park is the oldest opening in 1912. And coming in 3rd is believe it or not Dodger Stadium which opened in 1962.
Cincinnati Reds (originally known as the Cincinnati Red Stockings), who became the first fully professional baseball team in 1869.
For the 2009 season, that is Dodger Stadium which opened in 1962. Fenway Park is oldest, opening in 1912, and Wrigley Field is second oldest, opening in 1914.
#4 - Angel Stadium of Anaheim (1966)
the oldest stadium is fenway park
Fenway Park
New York Yankees
Boston the Yankees have a brand new stadium
Dodger Stadium is. It has been open since 1962.
Fenway Park
Wrigley Field is the second oldest Major League baseball park in use today. It opened in 1914. Fenway Park is the oldest opening in 1912. And coming in 3rd is believe it or not Dodger Stadium which opened in 1962.
The oldest NFL stadium currently in use is Soldier Field in Chicago.
The oldest stadium still in use is Wrexham Racecouse, 1877.
Cincinnati Reds (originally known as the Cincinnati Red Stockings), who became the first fully professional baseball team in 1869.