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Well, it's very difficult to answer this question conclusively as most of the homeruns of past greats like Ruth and Mantle cannot be confirmed to be the distances claimed, being more likely exaggerated. A good article on the matter can be found at the following site: Another good site would be: Most historians would probably have no problem stating that Mantle or Ruth hit the furthest ball, with most probably agreeing that it was Mantle who should hold the record. Of course, this fact can be disputed, but both of these Yankee greats have hit mammoth blasts which could have ranged anywhere from 500 - 650 ft.

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βˆ™ 17y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

according to Pythagorean Theorem 734 feet by mickey mantle

in Yankee Stadium he hit a ball and it was still rising as it hit the lights on the top. it hit it so hard it bounced back to the infild

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βˆ™ 13y ago

New York Yankees player Mikey Mantel hit a home run 634 ft

-Alex Witt-

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βˆ™ 15y ago

The farthest home-run to be hit was hit by Josh Hamilton in the Home-Run Derby. The ball is said traveled more than 512 feet.It was not possible to determine the exact distance.

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the farthest ive seen is Mark Mcquire off Livan Hernandez 545 feet but mickey mantle is said to have it the longest his blast at Yankee stadium 575-650 feet