Leadeship is always dangerous, as it implies followers who can be misled. True democracy means no leaders or vanguard.
the rise of communism in any country was a danger to its neighbors - APEX
The idea that American Indian men are simple and uneducated and need to be controlled by the white man is the idea that is being sold.
Hitler became Führer (leader) of the Nationalsozialistische deutsche Arbeiter Partei(NSDAP or just Nazi) (National Socialist German Workers' Party) in 1921.In 1919 he joined the Deutsche Arbeiter Partei(DAP) to spy on its activities for the German Army. He was at the time its 55th member.In an attempt to appeal to a broader portion of the population the party changed its name from Deutsche Arbeiter Partei to Nationalsozialistische deutsche Arbeiter Partei in February 1920. Initially, the party, under the leadership of Anton Drexler, had a genuine socialist agenda, but Hitler was also impressed with Drexler's anti-semitic, nationalist, anti-capitalist, anti-Marxist views. In July 1921 the party entered into an alliance with a group of socialists from Augsburg. Hitler was incensed at the idea and threatened to quit the party. Hitler then attempted to usurp the party leadership saying that he would only return if he were made its leader (Führer) with unlimited powers. The party initially held out, but Drexler knew that without Hilter's oratory skills the party was lost. Hitler's demands were put to a party vote which he won overwhelmingly with only one vote against.On July 29, 1921, Adolf Hitler was for the first time,introduced as Führer of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
The worst idea ever. In a one party system of government the people would only have one party to choose from. Say like if there were no republicans and only democrats ran for office, that would be a one party system.
The United States thought of the idea to make the League of Nations. And we said that no country can block the seas.
Clark's idea of leadership was to attract the brightest engineers and people with a passion for changing the world, and then let them figure out the details for making his idea work.
My idea is, Leadership is the ability to have other people follow you by the example that you present.
they are in danger because...................................................................................... jk i have know idea why would i know i am 5
While it is slightly cliche, a limo offers a lot of benefits for a bachelor party, and thus, might still be a good idea, in spite of the danger of cliche. There are also some alternatives to a limo, such as a partybus, which you may want to investigate.
The Democratic party and the Prohibition party.
Pancake Party? Sleepover Party? Pool Party? Jewelry Party? Nail Party? Makeover party?
Abraham Lincoln showed leadership in many ways. A few simple ways was that he held true to his beliefs and would not be pushed around by the opposing party or his own party. Lincoln also was able to unite the majority of the Union in the effort (more the idea) of Reconstruction after the war. He showed leadership in this area by showing he was merciful towards those who had rebelled during the Civil War. He believed that in order for the Union to heal, the Northern States should forgive the South and reunite so that we could all work together to rebuild our nation. These are two of the ways he showed leadership.
They didn't have a party it was the capulets and they had a masquerade party because Capulet had a spur of the moment idea to do a party.
A minor party introduced the idea of national nominating conventions.
Leadership, or let's say, "good leadership", is important in that it causes associated individuals to all, or mostly, work in the same direction, with the same goals, with the same idea of how to solve problems as a group.
I have absolutely no idea what this is but i have a question if you want to here it then post a comment.
Good ideas for party entertainment will depend on the theme of the party. For example, if the party is for a child, perhaps a clown or magician will be a good idea. For adults, perhaps live music performance will be a good idea.