it is a restricted area that defenders are not allowed to stand in to take a charge (or offensive foul). They are permitted to stand in the area, but if an offensive player charges into them or knocks them over it will be their fault (because they are standing under the basket, and the offensive player has the right to land on the floor after a layup/dunk/shot).
The parts of the basketball court are: the three-point line, the key, the base line, the free throw line, the sideline and the half-court line.
Center Court Line, Free Throw Line and Base Line.
When you shoot from the three pointer line which is behind the foul line.
Anybasket inside the 3 point line
Michael Jordan from the free throw line.
A curved line is a line that is curved.
no it is not (unless you find the angle under a curved line)
Yes, technically a curved line can be a line segment, a line in general is something that can be curved or straight
at the top there is a curved line and a circle under it and under the circle is a plus sign.
a curved line is a line that is bent without angels
you should dig the floor.
a straight line is mainly x2 a curved line is mainly x3
Slope of a straight line is the same at all points on the line, whereas for a curved line it changes.
A curved line is a line that is not straight.
A circle has one curved line and it is its circumference
No. This is true for any curved line, not just in economics.
A level line is based on altitude. Altitude is the distance from sea level. Sea level is curved to the shape of the earth so a level line must be curved.