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Background to the Russian Revolution is huge, however, mainly caused by massive discontent in the Nation. Led by an Autocratic, inefficient system, (where corruption and violence was extremely evident);

-peasants went without bread, land and fell into huge debts due to redemption payments,
-middle class pushed for a democracy so that they could have their say as to how to run the country, instead they lived with oppression and censorship,
-industrialists had to work long hours with low pay and poor living conditions The catalyst for the Russian 1905 'revolution' would be Bloody Sunday. A oeacful protest turned horribly wrong when (supposedly) the Tsar ordered the Military to fire upon men, women and children who asked only for bread and better living conditions. After a revolt, the Tsar issued the October Manifesto. This offered hope and promise to the people. However, a year later the Tsar practically withdrew his promises, letting the Nation down and causing the 1917 revolution that would change how the Nation would run forever. That's just the basic background to the Revoluntion/s.

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