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5, 330 yards

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Q: What is the area of the football field in yards?
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How many cubic yards of dirt is a football field?

None. Just build the baseball field where the dirt is already there.

Square kilometer area of a football field?

0.0000448056km2The length of a football field is 100 yards(300 feet) which is equal to 0.09144The width of a football field is 53.33 yards(160 feet) which is equal to 0.000490.09144 X 0.00049 = 0.0000448056

How many yards across a football field?

A football field across is 53.3 yards.

How many sq yards in a football field?

A football field is 5531.21 square yards.

How big is the American football field?

the American football field is 100 yards by 50 yards.

What is the physical size of a high school football field playing area?

100 Yards.

Why is a football field a 100 yards long?

There are 100 yards in a football field because football is based off of Rugby and a rugby field has 100 yards.

How many acres in a Canadian football field?

The width of a Canadian football field is 65 yards. The distance between the goal lines is 110 yards. The end zones are 20 yards deep. The goal posts are located on the goal line. Including end zones, the entire area of a Canadian football field is more than half again the entire area of an American football field. The width of the Canadian field, plus the depth of the Canadian end zone, provide a "wide open" style of play in Canada.

What is the length and breadth of a football goalpost?

An American football field is 120 yards long (100 yard from end zone to end zone). It is also 53.3 yards wide. This translates into 6,400 square yards of playing area.

What does yards mean in football?

Yards are a unit of measurement on a football field. A field has 100 yards. The end zone has 10 yards. Yards tell how far the ball has moved.

Would you use cubic meter or square yards to find the area of a football field?

Square yards. Cubic measure is for volume

How many yards a on a football field?

100 yards