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You must be 18 years of age before the Ceremonial Start date.

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Q: What is the age requirement of an Iditarod musher?
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Is there an age requirement of the Iditarod?


Which Musher won the Iditarod the last 2 Years?

lance mackey which musher won the iditarod last year

Who does it mean when a musher scraches?

It means in a race like The Iditarod they scratch or drop out.

Who was the oldest musher to run the Iditarod?

Jeff King Is the oldest musher to run the Iditarod By Emily Elizabeth Wells Close Emily. Jeff King was the oldest to win, but Colonel Norman Vaughn was the oldest to finish the race at age 86.

How does a musher qualify for the Iditarod?

Bribes the official

How much does a musher have to pay to be in the Iditarod?


How old was the youngest Iditarod musher?


What is the golden stethoscope award for the Iditarod?

Its for the best musher

Who was the oldest musher to race the iditarod?

Norman Vaughan

Who was the youngest musher to win the Iditarod?

Davis Seavy [There is no record of Davis Seavy winning the Iditarod]

When a musher scratches what does it mean?

Well a musher (driver of dog sled) scratches like in The Iditarod he/she drops out.

Who won the Iditarod in 1967?

Isaac Okleasik was the musher who won the Iditarod in 1967. That was the first official race.