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The Ted Williams line of sporting goods was started in 1961. If your gun has no serial number it was made before 1968. If it has a serial, it still MAY have been made 61-68, but probably later.

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βˆ™ 19y ago
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βˆ™ 18y ago

Late 1960's, early 1970's.

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Q: What is the age of a Ted Williams model 3T 22 rifle?
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What is value and age of a ted Williams model 3T serial number R352606?

A Ted Williams model 3t serial number r352606 is a priceless item. It is a rare antique rifle that cannot be found anywhere. Depending on the buyer it may be worth a lot.

What is the value and age of a Sears Roebuck Ted Williams model 100 30-30 lever action rifle serial number V104644?

Not highly valued at this time. About the same as a standard Winchester model 94 of the same age and condition, because that's what it is.

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How old was Ted Williams at death?

Ted Williams died on July 5, 2002 at the age of 83.

Whats the age and value of a ted willams CO2 rifle mod 126 1910?

This .22 Cal Rifle was made for Sears by Crosman. Several different Varations were made. It is a Crosman model 160. First Variant 1955-56 (No Barrel Band) Second Variant 1956-59 (with Barrel Band) Third Variant 1960-71 (die cast trigger housing) Model 5331 Like New 100% $225 90% $145 60% $90 Add 50% for Ted Williams model

How do you age a model 34 Ted Williams Sears Roebuck and Co 22Rifle?

Sears Ranger model 34 is a .22 caliber single-shot bolt action rifle manufactured by Marlin (see model 65) for Sears for about $18-22 during the late 1940's and early 1950's. Current value would be condition rated from $40-$115. The Ted Williams naem was not used until the early 1960's and the model 34 of that era was made by High Stadnard and was a semi auto.

What is the age and value of a Ted Williams 22 rifle Model 3T 278.528111 and the number R220461 on the bottom and a scope with no identifiable number or name?

Its a version of the Winchester 190 from the early 1970's. Value can range from under $100 to $150 in top condition.

How can you find the age of a Ted Williams 3T 22?

just knock out the pin to the rear of the trigger and the entire trigger assembly drops out. -- But As to the Age of the Rifle -- The gun is a version of the Winchester 190, as made for Sears in the 1970's.

Where can you find the model number on a slide action rifle?

That will depend on the make of the rifle and the age of your pump rifle.

What is the age of a Winchester 3030 rifle sn441184?

what is the model ????????

What is the age and value and maker of a Ted Williams mdl 100 Sears 278582140 30-30 win sn v70417?

Winchester made it - don't know the value or age I saw another answer that said a model 100 ser # V88XXX was made in 1964 if that helps Winchester DID make it, but it is not the same as the Winchester Model 100. The Ted Williams Model 100 was a post-64 Winchester Model 94 as made for Sears. Today's value if in excellent condition would be around $200-$225. Badly worn guns would be $100 or less.

What is the resale value of Winchester model 270 cal rifle?

What model of rifle are we talking about?I would need to know along with the age of the rifle to give you a accurate value.