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Q: What is the Nationality of Hungary?
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What nationality is Hungarian?

Hungary is in Europe but Hungary is a nation so the nationality is Hungarian.

What nationality is Hungary?


What was Harry Houdini's nationality?

He was born in Budapest Hungary

What is the nationality of hungry?

Hungarian, it is also what you call the language of the people of Hungary

What was the nationality of actor Johnny Weissmuller?

He was born in Freidorf, Banat, Austria-Hungary (Romania today).

What nationality is franz Ferdinand?

he was the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary so presumably he was Austro-Hungarian

What nationality is the surname 'Biro'?

The surname 'Biro' originates from Hungary. It is a common Hungarian surname.

Can you get the Hungarian nationality if you were born in Hungary from 2 foreigner parents?

No, Hungary practices citizenship by "jus sanguis" by blood. Not by land. You have to be born to Hungarian citizens to acquire citizenship.

How did the nationality problem in Austria-Hungary contribute to the outbreak of World War 1?

Answer this question… Nationalism caused many Serbs living in Austria-Hungary to demand their independence.

What year was Hungary founded?

The Central European nation of Hungary was founded in the year 895 AD. It has been controlled by exterior forces on a number of occasions but it has always maintained its nationality.

What is the nationality of the last name csapo?

The last name "Csapo" is of Hungarian origin. It is a relatively common surname in Hungary.

Can you get the Hungarian nationality if your husband is Hungarian?

no, it is impossible... you can only get it, if you take a Hungarian language exam, a Hungarian history exam and you live a lot in Hungary and after if you've got all, you can request Hungarian nationality