Two people stand in front of each other and would take it in turns to kick each other in the shin,until one of them couldn't take the pain and gives up.
Danni from Newnham Middle school thats a bad answer!! that is why they are on this website
If you are talking about the little wraps that go over there entire shin it is there to prevent Shin Splints, by compressing the shin you can prevent the muscle from tearing off the bone and therefore prevent some of the pain caused by shin splints
If you get tacked in your shin so it does not snap back. Or if someone misses the ball and kick you... it really hurts.
Hoei Shin was born in the 5th century. He was a Buddhist monk. He discovered America and mentioned about his discovery in his writings.
No [12/03/15] thats a bad answer!! that is why they are on this website
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Not there is no hacks.. sorry but that game long time dont have hacks... i used hacks on the closed beta.. and open beta.. then the game updated and nothing no hacks..
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No there are and never have been any angels online hacks. Glitches yes. Hacks no.