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37 - 1890-1893 and again from 1887-1889. They were also unbeaten in 48 streak games but had 1 tie from 1885-1889.

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βˆ™ 17y ago
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βˆ™ 17y ago

34 - from 2003-2005, they finally lost to Texas

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βˆ™ 17y ago

As of the start of the 2007 season, USC's all time win loss record is 705-282-49.

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You have so much love to give and who wants it?

my family needs my love so much and they are doing their best to make me happy but I can't even smile for anything they do for me, I even get mad and stope talking to them all. you know what? Inside me I am not a bad person and I always pray for my family and wished the best for them all.But I hate my father because he is a realy bad ,disrespectful,harmeful,violent husband for my mom and I here him insulting her bad, extrimely bad things in front of us and other people.He always humiliates her so much and told us bad things about her.for his children he is ready to die for us,he is the most strong and good father but still he is always insulting us when he is angry with my mom and bit us,it could be boxing or slaping and I could't forget his bad words.he yales and he shoute and will scare us to dath when we r asleep in the middle of the night. Eventhough I shared somany good things from him, I couldn't forgive him for most of the damages he caused me especially to my personality. I can't explain anything when people startes to shout or say bad things to me even iff it is not my fault I wouldn't say a word then I will be considerd guilty still no words,u know why? when ever my dad was angry and starts to shout if i try to say any thing he might kik me or will twisste what I was trying to say in to something eals and will still make me fill guilty for thing i never thought thats why i choose to keep my mouth shout still now.But this character is making my phiance realy confused because weather good or bad happens b/n us i will say notinhg about it but still he can read from my face that i felt bad. I hate my dad for this he pushed me so hard to hide my feelings and keep it only for myself. now I have emotions but dont know how to say them.I have no words for my emotions. I have a problem in beliving my phiance which our weeding is left only with two month. I always fear what if he changes somewhere and become as my father is to my mom. I'm too sensitive for word and I'm very carefull with my words for all the people,I hate my brother because he is just like my dad he is full of bad words those hurt me so anfortunately I took him out of my life and live in the same house as if he never exsists. I hate my family because i cant comunicate with them and they always make me feel guilty for that. I am a loveable person out side my house and no hard fights as far as I can remember with any of my friends but home always fight. when we where kidds when my father is angry siting in salon we can't even play loude so I would prefer to play and enjoy out sid the house,I have so many friends and some of them I love them more than my family. I sometimes have a problem in giving a priority for him rather i give priority to my other friends. If anyone who reades this can anderestand what i am passing through and why i am i abig dipression please help me weeding is in 2 month after now but I can't agree with my own family who loves me so much but I couldn't respond for their love especialy my mom and my little sis. I feel very lonely and broken inside.It hurts so bad. please help me

What are some five letter words with 3rd letter L and 5th letter S?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 298 words with the pattern --L-S. That is, five letter words with 3rd letter L and 5th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are: ables aglus allis amlas anlas arles atlas aulas aulos axles balas balds bales balks balls balms balus bells belts biles bilks bills bolas bolds boles bolls bolos bolts bolus bulbs bulks bulls calfs calks calls calms calos calps cells celts cills colas colds coles colls colts culls culms cults dales dalis dalts deles delfs delis dells delos delts dills doles dolls dolos dolts dules dulls eales eilds falls fells felts files fills films filos folds folks fulls fyles galas gales galls gelds gelts gilas gilds gills gilts golds goles golfs golps gulas gules gulfs gulls gulps hales halfs halls halms halos halts heles hells helms helos helps hills hilts hilus holds holes holks holms holts hulas hules hulks hulls hylas hyles idles iglus isles jells jills jilts joles jolls jolts kales kalis kells kelps kelts kills kilns kilos kilps kilts kolas kolos kulas kyles lalls lills lilos lilts lolls lulls lulus malas males malis malls malms malts melas melds mells melts milds miles milks mills milos milts molas molds moles molls molts mules mulls nalas nelis nills noles nolls nolos nulls ogles ollas orles oulks palas pales palls palms palps pelas peles pelfs pells pelts piles pilis pills pilus poles polis polks polls polos polts polys pulas pules pulis pulks pulls pulps pulus rales riles rills roles rolfs rolls rules sales salps salts seles selfs sells silds siles silks sills silos silts solas solds soles solos solus sulks sulus sylis talas talcs tales talks talls talus teles tells telos tiles tills tilts tolas toles tolls tolts tolus tules vales valis velds veles vells vills voles volks volts vulns walds wales walis walks walls welds welks wells welts wilds wiles wilis wills wilts wolds wolfs wulls wyles yales yelks yells yelms yelps yelts yills yolks yules zilas zills zulus