I'm pretty sure he went to North Park High School. I'm from the same town as him and they built the Wayne Gretzky Sports Center right beside it so... ya. And he lived like 3 houses down from my dad when they were kids.
Everett High School
Valley High school in Las Vegas
Parker High School in Birmingham, AL
He attended Escambia high school in Pensacola,Florida
I believe Lincoln High School, Detroit, MI, USA
"Gretzky had gone to school in Brantford and continued high school classes in Sault Ste. Marie [Ontario] but left before graduating." http://www.notablebiographies.com/Gi-He/Gretzky-Wayne.html
Dance Classes
after he ritered he became coach of some other teams like Hurricanes
never finished high school and never went to university. been traded more then once
Aretha Franklin graduated from Northern High school in the 50s.
He was enrolled into Harvard, but dropped out to pursue his high school career. He is currently attending the University of Houston.
Wayne denne attended wynberg boys high school (my school) Wayne denne attended wynberg boys high school (my school)
Anthony Wayne High School was created in 1951.
Wayne Hills High School was created in 1967.
Wayne County High School - Georgia -'s motto is '"We are Wayne County"'.
what high school did Virginia Hamilton attend
What high school did Perry King attend