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France scored just one point and failed to proceed. The players had a revolt and Nickolas Anelka their striker was sent back home.

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Q: What happened to the French football team during the 2010 World Cup?
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The French striker was sent back from the 2010 world cup.

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World War Three hasn't happened yet. Yet ? Franc91 is an optimistic ;O))

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How many french soldier died during world war 2?

217,600 French Soldiers were killed during World War 2. This includes French Colonies.

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The French used the franc during World War II.

When did the French football team last win the world cup?


Who invented the football world cup?

It was the French man Jules Rimet.

How many French died during World War 1?

About 1,700,000 French died during World War I, including soldiers and civilians.

When was Soccer played on Christmas Day?

during world war 2 in a french battlefield the two enemies started to play football/soccer on Christmas (bit awkward)