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Q: What happened during the Bolshevik revolution?
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Was Czar Nicholas II in power during the Bolshevik revolution?

No, Tsar Nicholas II was already out of power during the Bolshevik Revolution. He had abdicated his throne in March 1917 during the February Revolution of 1917. This revolution was not the Bolshevik Revolution. The Bolshevik Revolution began on October 25, 1917 (according to the old style Russian calendar).

Who was the leader and hero during the Bolshevik Revolution?

Vladimir I. Lenin was the leader and hero at least from the Bolshevik perspective.

What happened during Russia's November revolution?

During Russia's November revolution, Vladimir Lenin led a revolt against Provisional Government. November marked the end of the revolution with a victory for Bolshevik, but it also led to the beginning of the Russian Civil War.

What happened during October revolution?

What basically happened during the October Revolution is the Bolshevik Party gained power in Russia. (Written in basic terms) Further sites to check are Wikipedia and Encyclopedia Britannica. Hope this helps any :) Also please do NOT plagiarize. i i_THANKS

The Bolshevik revolution was also know as what revolution?

The Bolshevik revolution was also known as the communist revolution.

What nation did the Bolshevik revolution occur in?

The Bolshevik Revolution occurred in Russia.

The Bolshevik Revolution occurred in what country?

The Bolshevik Revolution occurred in Russia.

Withdrawal of the Soviet Union from World War 1?

Happened as a result of the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.

Was the bolshevik revolution in February?

No, the Bolshevik Revolution was in October if you are using the old style calendar.

What country is the home of the bolshevik revolution?

The Bolshevik Revolution took place in Russia in 1917.

What was anoher name for the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia?

The Bolshevik Revolution is usually called the October Revolution or the Communist Revolution.

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