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Chariots were horse-driven carriages which could host one to four men. They were first developed buy a proto Indo-Iranian people in present day Kazakhstan from around 2000 BC. They became popular with the Mesopotamian civilisations (Assyrians and Hittites) and the Egyptians for warfare. They were a bit like the tanks of the day. The chariot units were highly mobile and these vehicles could charge the enemy at high speed and had a high impact. They also were used as mobile platforms for archers. Speed of travel was more important than the payload. Chariots were also used for travel and hunting.

The chariots had two wheels and were drawn by two to four paired horses. The car was a floor with a guard at the front and sides. The guard was higher at the front and reached waist level.

The Gauls also adopted the chariot for warfare. The last time it was used in war was at the Battle of Sentinum in 295 BC when the Romans defeated an alliance of Samnites, Umbrians, Etruscans and Gauls. After this it was used only for travel, in processions and for chariot races. In Rome the chariot races were the most popular entertainment. It was used for the triumphal processions in honour of military men who won important battles. It was used by aristocratic women to travel around the city.

The Romans used also the quadriga, a chariot which was drawn by four chariots abreast. It was developed by the Greeks who called it tehrippon and used it in the Olympic Games and other contests. The Romans used it for the chariot races and the triumphal processions. The biga was a chariot drawn by two horses.

Racing chariots were very light so that they could go as fast as possible, and were probably made of wicker and leather. It would have been like driving a basket on wheels.

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you get a horse and start fighting

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people get hurt

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Yes it was. A hoplitodrome was a chariot race.

What happened before a chariot race?

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Normally in a traditional chariot race its 4 people

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Chariot Race - 1903 was released on: USA: January 1903

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The Latin words for a crash are either "fragor" or "strepitus".

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He would have been released from captivity- won his freedom. this happened in the story. In the film, he is already free before the race. He was given his freedom for rescuing the captain of his war ship.

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A Chariot race and a running race.

Is chariot racing still going on today?

Chariot Racing doesn't still go on today, but at events such as, latin conventions, you may have a chariot race.

In Greek what is the chariot race?
