you do double-star book quiz's perfectly and get 300 points. The only other way is too complete your assignment and get 500 stars exactly. I got 1500+ doing all my assigned books. I'm 9 and haven't even spent one star.
You have to ask your teacher if she has a raz-kids tearcher username
So you go to your Avatar and where it says Raz Rocket, you press on it and then you are on Raz Rocket.
skip through books on AA a b c d e f g
skip through books on AA a b c d e f g
if you are reading this you are fater and stupiter then a hobo
complete all levels
go to raz kids and go to packs and passages and wen you are done go down to the 2 one and there you go i hope you like it .
Raz kids
To help kide