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They played a game called Po-ka-tok but only the nobles could play. Sometimes they would play to the death. They sometimes used the losers head. You could only use your elbows, knees, and hips and you had to score into a 30ft high stone hoop. Sometimes the first one to score was the winner because the games lasted so long. The loser was sacrificed.The Aztecs had a similar game, but it was still different and it was called Tlotchli.

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14y ago
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12y ago

Almost every Mayan city had a ballcourt to play the ball game Pok-A-Tok. Another was Bul (pronounced like 'Bull' ), a war game.

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13y ago
  1. the game they played was pok-a-tok.You can not use your hands and you have to hit the ball through a hoop in the wall that's really high up.
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