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Hoop tennis

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Q: What game you hit a ball that's attached to a string into a hoop with a hand paddle that has 2 hoops in the game?
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first thats a stupid ? but anyway u just put air in the balloon and get a string and hold the balloon with the hand that you write with and the string with the other and on the bottom of the balloon you but the string on that part and yank the string as fast as you can!!

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Thats what they are supposed to do if there is something wrong with the circuit (generally a short) or the device that is attached.

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Most stores charge around $30. I feel that that is over priced, so see if you can find someone in your area that will string the stick for around $15 (thats what I charge).

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if you would know, you can improve this answer. well i dont know so i cant improve this answer..........thats why im on this site!!!!!!! An axle hook is a hook on the axle that holds the string! YAY!

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When you speak into the cup, sound waves cause the string to vibrate. These vibrations travel along the string and are transmitted to the other cup. The vibrations are then converted back into sound waves, allowing the listener to hear the original sound from the other side.