Kenny Anderson and Kenny Smith both came from Archbishop Molloy H.S. in Briarwood, Queens.
TV rights and ticketing
Who is the best player in NBA
This question is difficult to answer as the AHL is the main development league for the NHL. While some gifted players come right out of junior, college or Europe and step right into the NHL, the vast majority of NHL players have played in the AHL at some point for varying amounts of time until they have developed their skills. There is, obviously, no rule about how many players can come from the minor league. NHL teams recall their players as they see a need.
Delphi was a Greek city. In its Apollo temple resided the famous oracle, the Pythia.
Players that immediately come to mind: Michael Irvin, Russell Maryland, Steve Walsh, Kevin Williams and Randy Shannon.
yes scouts do come to high schools for scholarship offers.
high school.
It is international, but most players still come from a small range of countries, so in many countries it would not be famous. It is growing though and the spread of players is becoming larger, particularly in Asia.
Ivy League freshman do not come from a certain high school and Ivy League Schools do not give any more attention to private high schools than they do public high schools.
Marine recruiters still visit high schools. This is a good way to meet high school seniors.
FIFA tryout players come from every country. Not everyone makes it, though.
They come from the USA and Canada .High School, AA, AAA, Jr. B leagues. players can come from basically anywhere. as long as they are with in the age restrictions.
There is no one famous school. There are many of note, including Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts in the United States and the University of Oxford in England are two famous schools that come to mind.
Most proffessional basketball players come from college and few come from high school like Kevin Garnett .Kobe Lebron James, Amare Stoudimire, Rashard L ewis, Dwight Howard.
Blu Ray players can now be had for a price comparable to a high quality DVD player.
117 schools for a society of 9 million? Come on. According to UN stats, there are 15,200 primary schools. High schools are much less common. Probably in the hundreds.