A wealthy senator
Foot Binding was also used to distinguish various classes in China (especially aristocrats and the wealthy), because the men who married wives who had foot binding needed to be wealthy enough to support the wife and the family. That is why the wealthy in the Ming dynasty and the Qing dynasty practiced foot binding on women.
rulers and priest, wealthy merchants, artisans
Medieval society was a feudal system. In this system, the king and wealthy class owned all of the property. The lower classes were allowed to work on the land an pay taxes to support the wealthy land owners.
Wealthy classes should help the poor because it is the right thing to do. All people should help one another if they have the ability to do so.
The wars were not between the wealthy and lower classes. They were a struggle for individual power between wealthy leaders. The resuly was the wealthy were defeated by the wealthy. The final battles were won by the wealthy Octavian Augustus over the wealthy Marc Anthony. The wealthy Augustus established a system of government which gave him the final word and control of the army to keep the wealthy senators from causing more revolution.
A wealthy senator
The wealthy
The different type of people that have high classes or low classes. For example poor people or wealthy people.
Foot Binding was also used to distinguish various classes in China (especially aristocrats and the wealthy), because the men who married wives who had foot binding needed to be wealthy enough to support the wife and the family. That is why the wealthy in the Ming dynasty and the Qing dynasty practiced foot binding on women.
The Clergy, the Nobility, and the wealthy non nobles.
rulers and priest, wealthy merchants, artisans
Plebeians: The underclass of Roman society.Patricians: The wealthy and powerful in Rome.
rulers and priest, wealthy merchants, artisans