sport stands for Specificity, Progressions, Overload, Reversibility and Threshold of training
The letters in the word "personality" do not stand for anything. "Personality" is not an acronym.
dual sports is a sports that 2 people are playing..because of the word dual it means two.. :DDbobo ang pootekk d masagutan ...dual sports lng.tsk.
The letters don't stand for anything more than they would in any other word. The word 'supervisor' is not an acronym of any kind.
The v in Native American is part of the word "Native". It doesn't stand for anything.
A sports grand stand in many sports range from 7,000- 10,000 doallars depending on the team.
DET may stand for many things. It is commonly used in sports to denote teams from Detroit. It may also be an abbreviation for the word detective or the drug dithyltyptamine.
Gym is short for gymnasium, a Greek word for sports institution. The Y has no specific meaning beyond this shortend meaning this.
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