the capitalist government of England and the United States
Russian revolution
The windmill represents industrialization. In Animal Farm, the windmill is their progress, all the work that they had poured into. Boxer is the hardest worker in the project (he represents the peasants of Russia).
He generally represents the Czars of Russia, but mainly is representing Nicholas Csar (Tzar) II and the last of the old government. He was the cruel owner of the animals.
Animal Farm is about Communism, with characters that represent Marx and Stalin. Communism (WWI) led to WWII, which is, obviously, directly related to the Holocaust because it was then that Adolf Hitler gained power in a then Nazi Germany where the Holocaust took place.
the capitalist government of England and the United States
The ribbons in Animal Farm represent the "badge of slavery", which means if the animal works hard he or she is rewarded with a ribbon, and is expected to do work better on the farm.
The animals in "Animal Farm" represent different groups of people and political ideologies in society.
Mollie represents the bourgeoisie or upper class in Animal Farm.
Animal farm the book represents the Russian 1917 revolution. The animals represent russians. The farm represents Russia.
he was a dunk
Vladimir Lenin.
Leon Trotsky