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It was probably of wooden construction with an outside toilet.

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15y ago

Probably of heavy crude metal construction and maybe without grooves on the club face. Could not resist answering your last question in the style that I did.

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Q: What does the first golf club look like?
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What does a golf club look like?

like a stick with an egg at the end or a mallet turned sideways with a longer handle

What did the first golf clubs look like?

The first golf clubs actually looked like clubs. They did not have stylized heads or shafts as are in existence today.

Where is the golf club in the sports room on xbox party mansion?

look up at the top middle of the room see the ceiling lamp? the golf club is the pole

What is my rights regarding having being wrongly accused of cheating in a golf match i attended a hearing at my golf club and was told that there was no case to answer by the club secretary?

you would need you look at your club by laws.

Can you look in a competitor's golf bag to see what club they are hitting on a Par 3?

Yes, you can peep in a competitor's golf bag to see what club they are hitting on a Par 3.

How do you play the piano on club penguin and get the yellow puffle to like you?

You have to get the sheet music first. Look around club penguin!

Is a golf club and golf stick the same thing?

Hello, yes a Golf Stick is Exactly the same as a Golf Club. You might take a look at this discount golf site with many cheap golf clubs.

Which Wii accessories do I need for the Wii sports games?

You don't need the accessories, but there are attachments for the Wiimote that make it look like a tennis racket, a baseball bat, and a golf club.

What is the name of the sound that the club and ball makes in golf?

Some say it is a PING! But some of the bigger drivers sound like someone has hit a stone with a biscuit tin.

What did Club Penguin first look like?

It was called Penguin Chat. You can see it at the related link below.

What is c grind for a golf club?

A c-grind is a type of grind on the bottom of a golf club which is very popular on the PGA Tour and other pro tours. It is where the bottom of a club where the bounce is is ground to look like a c, little bounce on the toe and little bounce on the heel, with plenty of bounce in the middle. It allows the players to open up the club and hit flop shots as well as keep a lot of bounce for hitting shots from the middle of the fairway.

What are the advantages to a bladed Golf Club?

Unless you are a brilliant ball striker, the only real advantage is that they look great in the bag. A high handicapper will struggle to get a good strike with one because the sweet spot is so small. The advantage for someone like Tiger Woods is that when he hits a shot he will get superior feel and a lot more control over the ball.