It doesn't "mean" anything. The colors were chosen mainly because
a) they're distinctive
b) the flag of every country in the world contains at least one of them
See the Wikianswers link below.
b dj d d v hevh ;phjvh v dont know
The Olympic flag presented by Coubertin in 1914 is the prototype: it has a white background, and in the centre, there are five interlaced rings blue, yellow, black, green, and red. The blue ring is farthest left, nearest the pole.
dont no
The Rings symbolize each geographical area. Each country within these areas has a minimum of one colour on the emblem in their national flag. No one ring has any specific meaning. There were 5 countries and so 5 different coloured rings.
because their favourite colour is blue
The colours of the olympic rings dont represent the continents, they are colours that all the flags have. Not one flag doesnt have an olympic ring colour.
stands for 5 contries
the green ring means charity
Red, black, yellow, blue and green
blue red yellow black green
Blue,black red,yellow,green
The various rings on the Olympic flag do not represent any particular continent.