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A hit and run is when there is a baserunner, lets say on first base, and the runner takes off for second after the pitch as if he is trying to steal. The batter will swing at the pitch and try to put the ball in play. If the batter is successful and can get a base hit, the runner will probably advance one extra base than normal because he was running with the pitch. If the batter swings and misses or the defensive team called a pitchout, the runner will attempt to steal second base. If the batter hits a line drive at one of the infielders that is caught, chances are the runner will be doubled up for a double play. The hit and run is a risky play that can used as a way to open up holes in the infield for a batter to hit the ball through and as a way to create runs for a team that does not have many power hitters in their lineup.

Click on the 'Hit and Run' link on this page to read more about the hit and run and how it is used.

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Q: What does hit and run mean in baseball and when is it used?
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