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Collective Bargaining Agreement.

The CBA is the contract between the NFL owners and the NFL players union that specifies things like minimum salary, what percentage of revenues will go towards players salaries, how teams can recoup bonuses paid to players that break their contract, the definition of free agency, what the salary cap will be, policies for drug and steroid use enforcement, how the college draft will work, and many, many more issues.

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Will the nfl work on a new aggrement since the lockout has been lifted?

When the new CBA is outdated, yes.

Why is the NFL having a lockout?

Because the CBA (Collective Bargaining Agreement) expired, so the NFL and NFLPA had to make a new deal, but did not before it expired. Luckily, the lockout is supposed to end on Wednesday!

What do you mean cba?

cba means can't/cannot be arsed :]

In slang what does cba mean?

CBA means Can't Be Arsed

What does cba text talk mean?

cba meens cant be asked

What does the initials NFL stand for?

The NFL initials stand for: National Football League. Most people call it (The) National Football League

Where is CBA Netbank located?

CBA stands for the Commonwealth bank of Australia. CBA Netbank is the #1 online bank in Australia. It is the most trusted for online banking in Australia.

Is there a union for the NFL?

Yes, the players' union. Right now they're in a deadlock with the CBA that expired back in March. The lockout that was previously lifted is back in place now until there is some sort of agreement. And if there isn't, there may not be an NFL season this year.