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the starter names each crew from lane one to six, then says attention! and a buzzer starts the race

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Q: What does a rower say to start a rowing race?
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im not that sure, but i think it might be 'je me rowing' but if its important then dont trust me, i advise you use another web page.

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This may sound really weird but they are called a starter. They can either shoot a pistol or wave a flag. Hope that helped!! (: :):)

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Both are really hard, it just depends in what sense you mean. Flat water is extremely technical in terms of the dynamics of the stroke, and the 2k race distance is a world of pain. In surf rowing, the stroke is not as technical, but you are bouncing over waves, meaning you regularly become airborne and are trying to keep rowing while the boat just drops out from under you. The boat is also far heavier. As to which one is more difficult, it largely depends on skills and experience. Having done both competitively, I would say that personally I find surf rowing more difficult.

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