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Unfortunately, I think Japan, Cuba, and the Dominican Republic are the strongest Baseball countries in the world. MLB has the best players but many of them come from these other countries. The three aforementioned countries bleed baseball while the USA has so many major pro sports that baseball gets lost in the shuffle.

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Q: What do you think is the strongest baseball country?
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Was mickey mantle the strongest switch hitter in baseball?


What was the strongest mineral in the middle ages?

I have been thinking about this and I think granite would be the strongest mineral used in this time.

What army is stroger in battalion wars 1 and 2?

I think that the western frontier are the strongest army in battalion wars 1, number 2 I think that tundra is the strongest.

Who was the strongest warrior in Chinese history?

During the Han dynasty Lu Bu was the strongest, but in the entire Chinese history i think Xiang Yu is the strongest.

What country has strongest intelligence?

There is no such test done to this, but on average Singaporeans have the highest IQ.

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I think it would probably be china or japan.

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