Gordon banks was a very good goalkeeper, he was also the heaviest goalkeeper. He lost a eye in a car crash.
Gordon Banks is 56 years old (birthdate: February 22, 1955).
This is a matter of opinion, but most people would say Gordon Banks because of the best save ever against Pele.
England's goalkeeper in 1966 was Gordon Banks.
id Gordan Banks play as a goalkeeper for West Ham United. at the time of the 1966 world cup.
Gordon Gordon Gordon Gordon Gordon
I think it is Gordon banks because he saved peles header
Gordon Banks has written: 'Gordon Banks' soccer book' -- subject(s): Soccer
Gordon Banks was born on February 22, 1955.
Gordon Banks played English football.
Gordon Banks is 56 years old (birthdate: February 22, 1955).
Gordon Banks - American football - was born on 1958-03-12.
Gordon Banks is not dead despite rumour of food poisoning, he is alive at the age of 72.
Gordon banks
Gordon Banks
Gordon banks
This is a matter of opinion, but most people would say Gordon Banks because of the best save ever against Pele.
Gordon Banks played for Stoke City between 1967 - 1972. He made 250 appearances in all competitions during his time with Stoke.