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Q: What do you do when all your man does is leave you sitting at home all the time?
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Give her attention when you're sitting with her, look at her and smile when shes sitting across from you but don't stare and don't be sticky. There's nothing a girl hates more than a guy who won't leave her alone. If you give her a little attention and then leave she will want more and will end up wanting to see you all the time.

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You need to ask him that, but why don't you leave your siblings at home next time you go there then he will have more time for you !

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I believe in all states you can leave home at the age of 18.

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no, chap stick does not expire although it does get all runny if you leave it sitting out without a cap on

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you can't stay in the home at all, sweetheart. get over it & leave. put on your big girl panties & step out the door

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To get rid of all your head lice and dandruff!

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Post new rules and change the locks. no entry - he is not here sort of thing.

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What you do is you tell them they have a deadline to get all there things and in 2days they have to leave or the cops will get involved.

Is it legal to leave your dog home alone?

A six week old puppy can stay home alone about a day maybe 2 but they need to be watched almost all the time.