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Q: What did the new economic policy of 1921 do?
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When was Vladimir lenin's new economic policy?

Taxes on peasants mixed with small-scale capitalism

Who was the creator of the New Economic Policy?

Lenin created the NEP in response to the Kronstadt Rising that occurred in March 1921, as these Kronstadt sailors were amongst his greatest supporters, and showed him that he obviously needed to change his policy from War Communism to the New Economic Policy.

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what are the causes for the evolment of new economic policy of india 1991

Who was the leader who oversaw the New Economic Policy in the Soviet Union?

Lenin instituted the New Economic Policy.

What did Lenin call his economic program?

The New Economic Policy

Does the policy of New Economic Policy help in the improvement of trade and commerce of India-?

The policy of New Economic policy does help in the improvement of trade and commerce of India but the tariffs seem to be slowing the influx of new products.

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in march 1921 ,lenin pulled russia back the abyss. he abandoned war comminsim in favor of his new economic policy.

What does NEP stand for?

New Economic Policy

What does NEP stand?

New Economic Policy


The New Economic Policy of India is an opening of India's commerce to the outside world and an allowing of incoming trade items.

Does the policy of New Economic Policy help in the improvement of trade and commerce of India?

The policy of New Economic Policy in India does help to improve trade and commerce but the large tariffs for incoming goods are slowing improvement.

What has the author Virgil Madgearu written?

Virgil Madgearu has written: 'Rumania's new economic policy' -- subject(s): Economic policy, Industrial policy