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Q: What did the Bolsheviks create in 1922?
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What was the new name of the Russian socialist revolutionaries in 1922?

By 1922, the Russian socialist revolutionaries who had taken over Russia were known as "Communists." They had been the "Bolsheviks" until they held their Seventh Party Congress in March 1918 and adopted the name Communists. There had been other revolutionary parties, (one was the "Social Revolutionaries") besides the Bolsheviks, but the Bolsheviks were the only ones that survived until 1922.

What ways did the bolshevik revolution help Germany?

Germany helped the Bolsheviks come to power byReturning their leader Vladimir Lenin and other top Bolsheviks into Russia.Giving the Bolsheviks money to use to carry on their revolutionary activities and buy weapons to create a small army.

What leader inspired the Bolsheviks to hold a Revolution in Russia to create socialism as the nation's economic system?

Vladimir Lenin

Reds vs Whites?

It was the Russian Civil War which lasted from 1917 to 1922. Supporters of Bolsheviks were Reds and supporters of the Tsar were Whites. At the end Whites lost and Soviet Union was created.

Did Coolidge lead the Bolsheviks?

No, Calvin Coolidge did not lead the Bolsheviks. Vladimir Lenin led the Bolsheviks.

What were the Bolsheviks considered?

The Bolsheviks were radical Marxist revolutionaries.

What happened to the Bolsheviks?

The Bolsheviks became the Communist Party in March 1918.

Who were Russian revolutionaries who took control of the government in November 1917 and pledged to make peace with Germany?

Bolsheviks, who took over in the Russian October Revolution of 1917. a very bad group indeed. Bolsheviks Bolsheviks Bolsheviks Bolsheviks

What are the Bolsheviks called now?

The Bolsheviks are now called Communists, if they are still in business. The Bolsheviks changed their name to Communists in March 1918.

Bolsheviks are another name for what?

Bolsheviks are another name for Communists. Actually Bolsheviks was their name prior to March 1918 when they changed it to Communists.

What leader did the Bolsheviks overthrow?

The Bolsheviks overthrew Alexander Kerensky, the leader of the Russian provisional Government. The Bolsheviks never overthrew the Tsar himself since he had already been forced to abdicate before the Bolsheviks took power. The Bolsheviks did murder the Tsar and all his family.

What team color were the Bolsheviks?

The team color for the Petrograd Bolsheviks was red.