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My name is Beverly and Addie Mae Collins was my friend,I lived in Smithfield projects. Addie Mae was older then me and we went to "Brunetta Hill Elementry school". We did what children do at that age,play house with dolls,jumped rope,hotscotch,marbles,block parties,hulla hoop,tag,scatter,all sore of things. She was a beautiful girl in and out,shy and sometimes quiet. I think,I have the picture of Addie Mae and me holding our "Windmills" in our hands that my grandmother brought us. The year of the bombing of the 16th Baptist church in 1963,that November 22nd,my mother sended for me because the kkk had went to far,killing children and my mother was scared for me. My family are still intouch with the Collins family,they still live in Birmingham,Alabama. Addie Mae,you are missed but never forgotten. R.I.P. My Friend!

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She was 14

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When was Addie Mae Collins born?

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Who were the four girls that died in the 16th street church bombing in Birmingham?

Addie Mae Collins,Denise Mcnair,Carole robertson,and Cynthia robertson

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In doing research on this subject, I am convinced that Addie Mae Collin's body is either under the Birmingham airport or under the Hertz Car Rental place along with about 5,000 other graves.

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All four girls died - Denise McNair, aged 11, Addie Mae Collins, Cynthia Wesley and Carol Robertson, all aged 14. And many others were injured badly

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Before in Japanese is "mae" The Kanji for mae is 前

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