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After the 2014 Winter Olympics, here are the countries with the most silver medals:

1. USA: 860

2. Soviet Union: 376

3. Great Britain: 276

4. Germany: 260

5. France: 254

6. Sweden: 204

7. Italy: 200

8. China: 166

9. East Germany: 165

10. Russia: 162

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Through the 2006 Games in Turin, that is the United States with 45 (13 gold, 15 silver, 17 bronze). The former Soviet Union is second with 24 (10 gold, 9 silver, 5 bronze).

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Q: What country has won the most Olympic figure skating metals?
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Why is gabby Douglas famous?

She won 2 Olympic gold metals.

Which olympic games did ausralia win 17 gold metals?

That was the 2004 Summer Games in Athens.

What Country won the most gold metals last olympic games?

In Athens, the USA won, followed by China, then Russia. Overall, The USA is first, followed by Russia.

How many gold 2006 Olympic medals did Germany win?

in 2006 winter games,germany won 11 gold metals

At which Olympics did US swimmer Mark Spitz set Olympic records by winning 7 gold medals?

Mark Spitz won 7 gold metals, representing the US, in the 1972 Summer Games in Munich, Germany which was part of the former East Germany.

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How many metals did Sasha Cohen win?

Sasha won 1 Olympic medal ... a silver in women's singles figure skating at the 2006 Winter Games in Turin.

What Country took the most metals in Beijing Olympic Games?


What country has the most olympic gold metals for badminton?

china has dominated the badminton olympic table for the longest time.

Which country won the most metals in the 2008 Beijing Olympic games?

China with 51.

Are Olympic figure skaters making a living at figure skating?

It depends on the skater and what country they are from. Some will "turn pro" meaning they can not compete in another Olympics or other official championships, but they can go on tour with ice shows such as "Stars On Ice" or "Disney On Ice" or various other productions. If they choose to tour with the shows after "retiring" from competitive skating, they can make a living at it. For a few skaters, the best in the world, endorsement deals can be substantial, especially right after a big success like winning gold at the Olympics, and especially if they are from a wealthy, free-market country like the USA or Japan. In some countries Olympic skaters are funded completely by the government, so their training, housing, food, etc costs them nothing, but they also get little in return for their accomplishment (though the government often gives cash prizes for winning metals and incentives such as a new house, etc for earning such an honor.) Thus, while it is possible for Olympic figure skaters to make a living at figure skating post-Olympics, it is neither a lucrative profession nor a sure bet (the cost of ice time and coaching fees in order to get to the Olympic games if a skater is from the US for example, may be well over $100,000.) And while there is always the option of the traveling ice show, not all high level figure skaters want to do them, and they can of course pursue other careers after their competitive skating days are over ... including coaching or judging.

Who won the most gold metals in the winter Olympics?

Tara Lipinski In The Womans Figure Skating And The Ladies Hockey Team Won Gold In 1998

Who won five Olympic gold metals in 1980?

Eric Heiden of the United States. He won all 5 events in men's speed skating at the 1980 Winter Games in Lake Placid.

What is the value of a 2010 olympic bronze metal?

Yes, All metals are of the same value. They count the total metals, Not the gold, silver and bronze separately.(which i find dumb)So the country with the most metals wins.

How did Patrick Chan become famous?

Patrick Chan is a Canadian figure skater. He is best known for his many awards and metals, including an Olympic silver metal in 2014.

How many olympic metals has el salvador won?

515. from the start of the olympic

Why are the Olympic metals dented?

They did that probably for effect.

What country has won the most olympic metals for 2012?

Currently, china with 32 golds and a total of 65. You can check anytime by searching on google 'Olympics 2012'