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What were these Europeans during the middle ages that were pesants forced to work the land of their lord called?

Europeans in the Middle Ages who were forced to work the land of a lord were called medieval peasants. They were usually forced to work on farms after they swore an oath to their lord.

What did Captain John Smith do to people that swore?

I don't know, please ANYONE in the world AWNSER IT!

What oath did they make as a military as a dutyin ancient rome?

The soldiers swore an oath of loyalty to the emperor.

To whom did the ancient Roman soldiers pledge an oath of loyalty to?

Roman soldiers swore their loyalty to the emperor, once there was an emperor. During the republic they swore their oath of allegiance to their commanding legate. This could be someone like Caesar,Pompey, Sulla, Marius, etc. After the fall of the republic and the establishment of the principate, the soldiers swore their oath to the emperor, or in the case Augustus, the"first citizen. This played a major role in establishing the prosperity of the time known as the Pax Romana, as the threat of a general gaining the support of a few legions and trying to usurp all the governing authority for himself was greatly reduced. The soldiers swore an oath to the emperor to obey all commands, never desert and be ready to sacrifice their lives for the empire. Once joining the military, soldiers were exempt from all taxes and civilian laws. They would be covered by tougher military laws.

Was chief Joseph brant a loyalist or a patriot?

He thinks It is right to have a king