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Q: What color is Shoeless Joe Jackson's eyes?
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When did Shoeless Joe Jackson die?

Shoeless Joe Jackson died on December 5, 1951 at the age of 63.

When was Shoeless Joe Jackson born?

Shoeless Joe Jackson was born on July 16, 1888.

What team was shoeless joe on?

"Shoeless" Joe Jackson played for the Chicago White Sox

What is Shoeless Joe Jackson's birthday?

Shoeless Joe Jackson was born on July 16, 1888.

What is 'Shoeless' Joe Jackson's birthday?

'Shoeless' Joe Jackson was born on July 16, 1888.

What was the name of the boy in shoeless joe and you?

I believe the name of the book is actually "Shoeless Joe and Me" and the name of the boy is Joe Stoshack.

What color eyes does Joe have?

Joe Jonas has brown eyes

Did Shoeless Joe Jackson win the finals?

Shoeless Joe won a World Series with the Chicago White Sox in 1917.

Who is baseball bat was Black Betsy?

Shoeless Joe Jackson called his baseball bat "Black Betsy"

In the novel shoeless joe who are the main characters?

Joe Stoshack

When and where did baseball player Shoeless Joe Jackson die?

Shoeless Joe Jackson died December 5, 1951, in Greenville, SC, USA.

Shoeless Joe twenty dollars?

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