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When Russia had the March Revolution it started because Russia lacked the necessary items for war against Imperial Germany. When Russia was knocked out of the war by another Austro-German assault, Russian soldiers came back and killed their officers because when they lost the war their like for their officers and the czar of Russia were disappearing

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

The First World War brought shortages and famine to Russia. The Tsarâ??s incompetence turned the military against him after he personally took control of the army, making it appear as if the defeats could directly be blamed on him. After losing control of the people, the military and the Duma, he was forced to abdicate in March, 1917.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Though Russian soldiers and sailors went confidently to war,, the Japanese defeated them. News of repeated losses sparked unrest at home and led to revolt in the midst f the war.

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Q: What caused the March revolution in Russia?
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