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Rawlings 12 3/4" Pro Pattern Fastback Trap-Eze Web Outfield Model Game Day glove

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Q: What brand of glove does Ken Griffey Jr use?
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What bat does Ken Griffey Jr use?

Louisville slugger

Did ken griffey jr use steroids?

No. There has never been any alegations of him using steroids.

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Rawlings brand. Model: PRO-RV23

What is worth more a ken griffey jr signed rookie bat or 600 hr bat?

Ken Griffey Game Used Bats If you are asking about a Ken Griffey Jr. signed game used rookie bat, and a Ken Griffey Jr. game used bat when he hit home run number 600, the 600 home run bat will have more of a significant historic value, and have a far higher value. There would be many rookie year bats, and only one 600 HR bat which is most likely in the Hall of fame or in Griffey's personal collection. A value cannot be given. The signature on the rookie bat means nothing. The bulk of the value will rely on the game use, and the type of provenance or authenticity that accompanies the bat. Some collectors would rather have the game used bat without the signature. In general a Ken Griffey Jr. game used bat is worth about $1,000. more or less depending on the game use, and provenance that accompanies the bat.Bats with historic value will sell for more. A Ken Griffey Jr. Signed Bat (not game usde) is worth about $150.-$250.

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How do you clean Ken Griffey sneakers?

just use a wet cloth and barely wipe over the dirt and scuffs dont press it hard it will peel off material

What brand of fielders glove do major leaguers use?

It depends on the player. All players like a different feel for their glove so there is no standard.

What brand glove does jimmy rollins use?

Jimmy Rollins uses a Nike baseball glove as he has a contract to use all Nike equipment. His cleats and batting gloves are also Nike.

How do you label a black baseball glove?

Use a "Silver Metallic" Sharpie brand felt tip Pen