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The names of the teams may have changed, but they are the same franchizes, this is just a begining list... Cubs Reds Redsox Whitesox Dogers

The Yankees came about in 1901 as the Baltimore Orioles.

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Q: What baseball teams were around in the late 1800's that are still around now?
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How many players are there on both teams in baseball?

There are around 25 players on both teams.

Which baseball team wore striped knickers and flattop painter-style hats in the late 1800s?

Just about all of the teams in that time period did!

Oldest baseball team still playing?

The oldest baseball teams still playing are the Chicago Cubs and the Atlanta Braves. Both teams are charter teams of the National League when it was founded in 1876. The Cubs were the Chicago White Stockings and the Braves were the Boston Red Caps.

How many baseball teams are their in the US?

29 Major League Baseball teams are in the United States. 1 Major League Baseball team is in Canada.

Is there more football teams or baseball teams?

There is more football teams than baseball teams, football has 32 and baseball has 30

How many baseball teams were in northern ca. in 1995?

I believe even in 1995 there were still 5 California teams: Dodgers, Angels, Athletics, Giants and Padres.

What baseball teams were around from 1935-1950?

Cleveland Indians Boston Red Sox Chicago

What does the all American girls professional baseball league have to do with World War 2?

A huge chunk of the male players in the pro baseball teams were drafted or enlisted. Therefore the sport was essentially put to bed for the duration of the war. Therefore the female baseball teams were given a tremendous boost. They were able to travel around the country and provide baseball entertainment. There are still many of those women who played on the various teams alive today. Movies have been made about these great women. Gena Davis starred in one and it is a fabulous movie.

Which is an example of the new mass society that emerged in the late 1800s?

vaudeville and professional sports teams

How many baseball teams are there today?

30 teams

What teams play in japan baseball?

Japanese teams

Is the golden league a minor league baseball team?

No, the golden league is a league of "independent" teams and while it is still a professional baseball league, it is in no way affiliated with major league baseball. The term "minor league" refers to teams which are owned by major league organizations for the growth of their young talent.