~Every 4 years the Greeks had the Olympic Games in honor of Zues and the other gods and goddesses.
~Athens was named after Athena, goddess of wisdom and war.
Greeks honoured their gods by conducting religious festivals and sacrifices, rituals and praying in temples.
Ancient Greek religion was polytheistic. There were 12 main deities which made up the pantheon. These gods were recognized by the ancient Greeks but the gods were recognized in different ways by a wide variety of Greeks.
They thought that their gods made the natural events happen when they had bottly functions.
Both the ancient Greeks and Egyptians were polytheistic; they believed in many deities. They had myths about how things came into being, nature, etc. They also built temples to honor their gods and had visions of an "afterlife", or life after death. These are only a few ways the two religions were similar.
Ancient Greece and ancient Rome were both similar and different in many ways. For starters, they both had similar art and architecture. But Greece made their art and architecture more ornate and fancy. The Romans also used an alphabet similar to the Greeks. It was slightly changed, but Greek none the less. Another thing that the Romans had in common with Greece was their gods. Pretty much all the Roman gods were based off of the Greeks. Hope this helped. :D
Greeks honoured their gods by conducting religious festivals and sacrifices, rituals and praying in temples.
Ancient Greek religion was polytheistic. There were 12 main deities which made up the pantheon. These gods were recognized by the ancient Greeks but the gods were recognized in different ways by a wide variety of Greeks.
They do blood sacrifices.
They thought that their gods made the natural events happen when they had bottly functions.
the Romans learned different cultures and different ways of surviving _________________________________________________________________ they basically took their alphabet and changed it up a little bit and used their gods also but changed the names
The Estrucans were an ancient nomadic people group that brought the Greek ways to Rome. The Greeks taught the Estrucans how to wear Greek clothes, how to look like Greeks and to worship the Greek gods. The Estrucans then brought the Greek ways to Rome when they went on trading expeditions. The Romans took on the Greek ways and gave the gods new names. Eg: Venus as Aphrodite, Jupiter as Zeus, and so on.
Both the ancient Greeks and Egyptians were polytheistic; they believed in many deities. They had myths about how things came into being, nature, etc. They also built temples to honor their gods and had visions of an "afterlife", or life after death. These are only a few ways the two religions were similar.
they danced in certain ways to praise the gods that they believed in.
The ancient Greeks believed that everything was made up from air, earth, fire and water. The Greeks had no other ways of knowing about the universe and things we now know.
the Greeks worshiped gods and gave sacrifices.
The gods and goddess were there role models and they prayed to them
The Greek deities stand out from the crowd because most civilizations before this were monotheistic, which here means that they worshiped a single god, unlike the Greeks, who were polytheistic, with here means that they worshipped many gods. Sorry if I confused you with such a long answer, but, there you go.