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There are many more than just two. Three examples (often the most cited as "the two" or "the only", by some people) are abstemious, abstentious and facetious.

Where the letter Y is considered a vowel, the suffix '-ly-' can be added to any of these, and both order and containment of all vowels is maintained.

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15y ago

acretinous could possibly be added to the list Facetious, abstemious, arsenious.

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Q: What are the two words that use all 5 vowels in the English language?
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Are vowels letters of the English alphabet?

yes, aeiou are all vowels of the English alphabet

Kweeiisp any word in the English language using all of these letters?

No, there are not any words in the English language using all of the letters kweeiisp.

Which Spanish letter is borrowed from the English alphabet?

all of the written vowels in the Spanish alphabet also appear in the English alphabet.

How do you spell wisdom in Egyptian?

Ancient Egyptian scripts (hieroglyphic, hieratic and demotic) do not record any vowels, only consonants. When these words were read in ancient times, the reader knew which vowels to include, but nobody alive today can do that so we can only guess at the pronunciation of most words.The ancient Egyptian language has several words meaning wisdom:rx xt (x is a sound like clearing the throat that does not exist in English)SsA (S is sh and the A is a catch in the throat, another sound not found in English)sAtsAAsArtThe determinative used at the end of all these words is the tied papyrus role, which indicates abstract ideas.

How many words are there in German?

It's not possible to count the words in any language, because there is no universal definition of what a word is. But most estimates place the number between 40,000 and 160,000words (which is the same range for almost all other languages).Note: English is an exception. It has the largest number of words of any language in the world, estimated at 170,000 to 250,000 words. No language has more words than English.

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Give you a six letter word that has no Vowels?

All words in the English language must have vowels. Even one letter words like 'a' or 'I'.

What are the only words in the English language that use all five vowels?

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All words are a combination of letters that form a meaningful unit of language used to communicate ideas, emotions, and information. Words are the basic building blocks of language and are essential for human communication.

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What words have consonants in them?

Words that have consonants in them are most commonly the words that do not have all vowels. Some examples of such words are "cat," "dog," "book," and "can."

All the five vowel words in English?

All the five vowels words in English are .. A E I O U

What 4 words in the English language show all vowels in alpha order?

Here's two: AbstEmIOUs fAcEtIOUs two more anyone?

What English football team has no vowels?

All English football teams have vowels. In other words, there is no English football team that has no vowels. If you would like to check, see the related link below

What word in the English language has all 5 vowels including y?


What is special about the words abstemious and facetious?

All vowels (and y) in their correct order.

What words contain all five vowels?

There are several English words that contain all five vowels. These include abstemious, facetious, arsenious, acheilous, acheilous, as well as caesious.

What words have all the vowels?

sEqUOIA, he was a Native American who devised the Cherokee written language