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I don't know. lol jk actally I REALLY don't know!!

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Q: What are the links between the Russian revolution and the Cuban revolution?
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What were the links between the industrial revolution and conoialism?


What led a revolution in Russia and established the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics?

The Russian Revolution of 1917 was led by the Bolshevik Party. The Bolsheviks were the radical elements of Russia's communist party that believed the only way to fix Russia was to overthrow the capitalist system. The provisional government's decision to continue fighting Germany in World War One alienated the Russian people, and communism grew in popularity as a new alternative. Finally, the Bolsheviks staged the October Revolution, where they seized control of St. Petersburg in 1917 and began spreading their influence throughout Russia. Soon after the Bolsheviks came to power, a civil war erupted between the communist Red Army and the loyalist White Army, which opposed Lenin. It wasn't until 1923 that the White Army was defeated and the USSR was born. Here are some links for more information. The first one describes the Bolshevik Revolution in general, and the second one is a BBC account of Lenin's life and the pivotal role he played in the formation of Soviet Russia.

What do Russians call their astronauts?

The Russian word for space explorers is cosmonauts, which is the English spelling of the Russian word kosmonavt, which, in the Russian alphabet, is written космона́вт.The word has Greek roots: kosmos (universe) and nautes (sailor).For more information, see Related links below this box.

What links Toussaint L'ouverture with the French Revolution?

He was involved in the Haitian Slave Revolt of Haiti in the Post Revolutionary years under Napoleon.

What links were there between the two crises and?


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The notion that the Russian Revolution was caused by Jews (and some kind of 'Jewish conspiracy') was popular among many emigrés from Russia and with hardline German nationalists, especially in Bavaria. Please see the links.

What werethe main causes of the1917 Russian Revolution?

Good history question. I highly recommend the Wikipedia article on the 1917 Russian Revolution. Go to the related links box and head to the article.

What were the links between the industrial revolution and conoialism?


Where is a photo of Vladimir Lenin?

Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924) was a leader of the Bolsheviks in the Russian Revolution, and head of state of the Soviet Union from 1917 to 1924. (see the related links)

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It depends on your definition of attractiveness. See related links for some examples.

How do you say cafeteria in Russian?

In Russian, the spelling is as follows. кафетерий (kafeteriy) For pronunciation see the related links to the google site.

What is the name of the Russian sniper rifle?

Russian sniper rifles of the modern era are the Mosin-Nagant and the Dragunov. See related links

Was the revolution truly a revolution?

The question is unanswerable unless the particular revolution is specified. If the question is referring to the American Revolution, please see the Related Question in the links below.

Where can you get information about North Carolina ships in the American Revolution?

Try the Early America or American Revolution links to the right.

What has the author Fritz Mierau written?

Fritz Mierau has written: 'Links! Links! Links! 1917-1921' -- subject(s): History, Russian poetry, Posters, Translations into German, Poetry 'Sergej Jessenin' -- subject(s): Biography, Poets, Russian, Russian Poets 'Das Verschwinden von Franz Jung' -- subject(s): Authors, German, Biography, German Authors

Is there an online calculator to calculate solids of revolution?

You will find online calculus calculators at the Related Links.