The effects can be dangerous if performed by ladders, flames etc. But, if it is a hit or kick it is not going to hurt. Moves such as the clothes line from hell by JBL is going to hurt, but as you can see the wrestlers are ripped and are able to take that pain. hope that answered your question!
Effects of inactivity on the body are adipose tissue to build up among other things
I need help on finding out how cyanide effects the body
umm it effects the body because you will always be hyper and active.
dehydration and muscle loss
The effects of radiation are dependent on the intensity and duration of exposure. See related links below for effects.
The benefits you get from Wrestling are you get an amazing body and you because really flexible.
no wrestling is not real they just do the effects on all the hits p.s u can tell thatsfake the only thing that hurts a little is finershers
No it is not unhealthy, but it is very hard on the body
There are 2 different Olympic styles of wrestling. The first is Freestyle wrestling. The second is Greco-Roman wrestling. There is also Folkstyle wrestling, which is the style that American High Schools compete in. There is an altered version of folkstyle called College wrestling, which is the style that American colleges and universities compete in. Freestyle involves moves used on and by both the upper and lower body, while Greco-Roman wrestling limits the wrestlers to only upper body moves, mainly throws.
Move parts of their body.
Sumo Wrestling
Two effects of hazardous materials on your body are sickness and death.
It won't! He won't ever wrestle again.
First john cena wanted to be a body builder then he wanted to start wrestling and he got many offers like the wwe
wrestling because in boxing you just punch knock outs no body slaming but in wrestling you learn to defence body slam take someone down in boxing you don't do defence you learn to fight only and don't do take downs in wrestling you defence and fight against some one so they have no chance but to bleed and trust me in wrestling they do knock me iv been a master boxer and a master wrestler and wrestling is better you might not know me but hi im MR T that's my wrestling name I used to be a wwe wrestler and a ubc boxer I got 5 kos and 5 23 wins in wrestling I got 53 wins I did wrestling more.
Effects of inactivity on the body are adipose tissue to build up among other things
Sumo Wresting is the most famous sport in Japan.