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I would assume to make sure the shot putter performs a legal toss. Obviously there is a certain method to the shot put, it's not called "see how far you can make this heavy solid metal ball go". I'm sure there are many technical steps and rules to the procedure, although I'm not sure exactly what they are. I know the shot put area where the athlete spins and tosses, there is a marked circle or semi-circle, I assume they must stay within that circle so one person doesn't gain an advantage by throwing from further out toward the throwing area. Also I believe there is another official standing where the tosses land in order to mark the distance by whatever set of rules they have. I don't know if it is marked where it first lands or where it rolls to a stop. I did the shot put in like elementary school track so I don't remember the rules much at all, but that's all I can derive simply from common sense. I'm sure I can't be too far off, if at all. I just can't give you specific rules of the event.

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