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Muddy Ruel is 5 feet 9 inches tall. He weighs 150 pounds. He bats right and throws right.

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Q: What are baseball player Muddy Ruel's physical stats?
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First off, it's actually called "Tag Dueling", and there are a few different ways that people play it. But the best 2 ways to play it. Way 1: 1:Team 1 and Team two are going to share the same dueling field. To make sure that you don't mix up your cards, you should put cases or something that shows that they are yours on them. 2: Each Teams will take their decks and give one to each opponent to CUT (If you don't know what cutting the deck is, then it means you take any part of the deck from the middle or bottom and put it on the top.). 3: Once you have your deck back, flip a coin to see which Team goes first. 4: Once you've decided who goes first, take one of your decks and put it on the DECK ZONE. Then the other player puts their deck to the right of your deck. 5: Decide which of your teamates will go first. 6: All of the players draw FIVE cards. Then whoever goes first starts the duel by drawing their sixth card. 7: You should know how to regularly duel already, so, after the first player goes, you stay where you are and let whoever is going first on your opponent"s Team go. Your teamate CANNOT help you AT ALL during while you are playing. 8: Once your opponent ends, you take a step back and let your teamate go. Once your teamate ends, your opponent steps back and lets his teamate go.......and so forth. Until someone runs out of life points. (You share the same life points.) Way 2: 1: For this next way, everyone gets there own dueling field and own life points. 2: You don't need card cases or anything since you have your own dueling field. 3: Each player hands there deck to whoever is in front of them and they cut it. 4: Once you have your deck back, place it in the DECK ZONE. 5: Flip a coing to see who goes first. 6: Once you've ecided who goes first, decide which of your teamates will go first. 7: Everyone draws FIVE cards. Then whoever goes first starts the duel by drawing their sixth card. 8: You should know how to regularly duel already, so, once player one has gone, whoever goes first on your opponent's Team draws. But, he cannot attack until all of the players have at least once. 9: Once he/she ends, your teamate goes, and once they are done, your other opponent goes, and when they are done, it's your turn again. But this time, you can attack! 10: The duel ends when you and your teamate have both ran out of life points.