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Myron (fl.c.480-440 B.C.), Greek sculptor, an older contemporary of the sculptors Phidias, and Polyclitus, considered by the ancients as one of the most versatile and innovative of all Attic sculptors.

Born in Eleutherae, he lived most of his life in Athens and is repeatedly called an Athenian by the 2nd-century-A.D. traveler Pausanias. The 1st-century writer Pliny cites Myron as the first to achieve lifelike representation in Art.

Working almost exclusively in bronze, he is best known for his many studies of athletes in action. Of his many works, only two representations survive: the group of Athena and Marsyas, originally standing on the Acropolis of Athens, and the "Discobolos" (Discus Thrower), both are marble copies made in Roman times.


Phidias (fîd´ê-es)

fl. fifth century B.C.

Athenian sculptor who supervised work on the Parthenon. His statue of Zeus at Olympia was one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

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14y ago
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14y ago

Some Greek statues of athletes include

  • Myron's Discobolos (Discus Thrower)
  • Lyssipus' Apoxyomenos (Scraper)
  • Polykleitos' Diadoumenos (Ribbon Tier)
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15y ago

The famous discus thrower statue which is actually called Discobolos by Myron

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10y ago

The name of the famous statue of a Greek athlete is "Discobolos" which translates to The Discus Thrower. The original one, which was made of brass, is gone but reproductions have been made.

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13y ago

discusthrower giggidy giggidy allright 00



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10y ago

Myron, Phidias, Polyclitus, Praxiteles, Scopas, Lysippus.

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14y ago

discusthrower :) oh yeah

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Q: What ancient Greek sculptor was famous for his athletes in bronze?
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