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The February Russian Revolution was started In Petrograd by a number of housewives who had been waiting on line for bread and were fed up with waiting on lines all the time and sometimes getting nothing anyway. More and more people began to join them in the streets protesting shortages of food and other goods. Factory workers and soldiers began joining and it soon got out so of control the entire city was rioting. It also spread to other cities and the revolution was on.

The October Russian Revolution was started by Vladimir Lenin and his Bolshevik followers, but it wasn't really a revolution. It was more like a military coup where a relatively small political faction seized key communications, transportation and military installations and deposed the existing government.

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13y ago

There were a lot of reasons the Bolshevik Revolution broke out. Some of these were:

The determination, skills and organisation of Lenin and the Bolsheviks;

-They played no part in the March Revolution-Their leaders were in exile

-They had little influence on the Petrograd Soviet in March 1917

-Lenin's 'April Thesis'-calling for a Workers Revolution

-Popular slogans 'Peace, Bread & Land' and 'All Power to the Soviets'

-The July Days/Rising

-The Kornilov Affair

-Domination of Petrograd Soviet by November 1917-Trotsky was now Chairman

-Lenin's decision to seize power in November 1917

-Bolshevik seizure of power in Nov. 6th/7th 1917-Brilliant organisation by Leon Trotsky

-Gunship 'Aurora'

-First Communist Government in World led by Lenin

Luck/Fortune for the Bolsheviks;

-Conditions of chaos/Misery throughout 1917

-The discontent of the Army Workers and Peasants

-The Kornilov Affair

-Mistakes of Provisional Government

There are obviously a lot of causes, but personally, I think that the weaknesses and the mistakes of the Provisional Government was the most important factor. You might think that another factor is more important, but it's entirely your opinion.

Hope this helps!! :)

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9y ago

Lenin was a genius at understanding revolutions and the situation in Russia under the Provisional government. He correctly assessed the revolutionary mood of the common man. He approved of this mood and did not let this opportunity go to waste. Instead he used the moment of the greatest radicalism of the masses for the overthrow of the Provisional government. While the population as a whole stood inactive, he sent armed detachments of Bolsheviks to swiftly occupy strategic places and arsenals and centers of communications. H e was met with weak opposition, and within hours captured control of the government.

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10y ago

Bolshevic Revolution occurred in 1917 Russia. It was initiated by people who were discouraged over the injuries and loss of life in WWI.

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